To ensure a smooth customer experience, it is recommended that you test your payment links to ensure that IPN is getting sent properly and that the product funnel is working as expected before you start your promotions.
Explodely provides a quick and easy way to test your product's payment link using test credit cards so that you don't have to make actual purchases for both One Time and Subscription (Products with rebills) products.
Here are the steps to test your payment link:
Testing AFTER Product Approval-
If your product has been approved, please follow the steps below to test your payment link:
Step 1: Copy and open your payment link. The payment link looks like this:, where 12345 is the Product ID. This would take you to the checkout page of your product.
Step 2: From inside your seller account, get the test CC details by following the path:
View Products -> Action menu -> Make A Test Payment.
Step 3: Use the CC details from the dialogue box on the checkout page.
Step 4: Click on the Pay Now button to complete the sale.
Once your sale is completed, you will be redirected to the product's thank you page, and a customer receipt will be sent to the email you used to make the test sale.
Check your IPN logs to ensure that the IPN was properly received on your end.
Testing BEFORE Product Approval-
If your products have been properly submitted but are pending approval, you can still test your payment links by adding the "testmode=yes" parameter at the end of the payment link.
In this case, your payment link would look like this
Use the test payment link and follow Steps 2-4 above to test your payment link.
Important: 1 Click Upsells (1CU) CANNOT be tested using test cards.
If you would like to test 1CU, you would need to make an actual purchase using a real card.
Please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns at [email protected].