Experience seamless integration with Explodely's Email Integration, which empowers you to effortlessly connect your Active Campaign account to your Explodely Seller account. This integration ensures that all your valued buyers are automatically added to your email list, enabling you to effectively promote your diverse range of products, exclusive offers, enticing discount coupons, and valuable product updates.

To ensure a comprehensive understanding of the integration process, we will delve into it in two detailed sections:


Active Campaign

Step 1: Generate API Key

a) Log into your Active Campaign account and go to Settings from your dashboard.

b) In the settings page, click on Developer

c) Copy the API URL and the API Key in the Developer section.

Step 2: Please ensure that you've set up Lists and Tags in your Active Campaign account. If you haven't, follow these steps:

a) Go to the Contacts page and click on Lists. To add a new list, click on Add a List.

b) Enter the List name, URL and Description in the given fields.
The List URL in ActiveCampaign refers to a unique web address associated with a specific list in your account. This URL is generally used for API calls and integrations.

c) To create a tag, click on Tags, and click on Add Tags

Your List and Tags will be successfully created.



Step 1: Access your seller account and navigate to Integrations under the Products section. 

Step 2: Within the Integration section, locate and click on Email Automation, then choose Add New Email Automation.

Step 3: From the dropdown options under the Email Service Available list, select Active Campaign. Enter the Active Campaign URL (after editing it) and the API key that you previously generated in Active Campaign, then click on Add New Email Automation.

IMPORTANT: Ensure your Active Campaign URL ends with api-us1.com after your account name.
For example, if your Active Campaign URL is https://sampleaccount.activehosted.com,
you need to update it to https://sampleaccount.api-us1.com and save the changes for it to work correctly.

Your Active Campaign integration will be completed.

Step 4: After successfully integrating Active Campaign, proceed to the Products section and select View Products. Locate the product for which you wish to add Active Campaign Email Integration, and click on Edit product details under the Action menu.

Step 5: Jump to Step 3 - Integration Settings.
 Enable the Email Integration by clicking on the corresponding option.

Select Active Campaign from the Email Services dropdown menu and choose the List and Tag that you created in your Active Campaign account. 

Save your selections.

Upon successful updating of the list, you will receive a confirmation message - Successfully Updated. Click on Next and proceed to Submit Changes to finalise the process.

Testing Integration

To ensure the successful integration, we strongly recommend performing a test sale to verify its functionality. This will help you confirm that the integration has been properly set up.

For detailed instructions on how to conduct a test sale, please refer to the article How to test a sale? in our knowledge base. It provides comprehensive guidance on the process.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns at sellers@explodely.com.